【0902 防疫公告】成功大學 111 學年度第一學期上課模式
成功大學 111 學年度第一學期上課模式
本校原【0830 防疫公告】,第一、二周(9 月 5 日開學至 9 月 18 日)啟動遠距為主、實體報備的教學模式。第三、四周(9 月 19 日至 10 月 2 日),待教育部核定後,採遠距為主、實體報備的教學模式。
現教育部已於 2022-09-02 回覆意見,配合中央疫情指揮中心以「確診個案」為核心之防疫政策,各大專校院應請授課教師依下列原則進行課程安排及班級管理,以維持正常上課並確保學生學習權益:
1.上課班級出現確診或快篩陽性個案,該個案應實施 7 天居家照護,期滿且無症狀即可入班正常上課。
2.與確診者或快篩陽性個案摘下口罩共同活動 15 分鐘以人員,學校提供其 1 劑快篩且快篩結果陰性者,即可入班正常上課。
因開學在即,本校將按教育部意見儘速調整原先公告的上課模式。而在本校開學第一、二周(111 年 9 月 5 日開學至 9 月 18 日),上課班級尚在調整未完成前,學校可請授課教師在與學生討論後,得依專科以上學校遠距教學實施辦法規定,彈性實施實體、混成或遠距教學。
現教育部已於 2022-09-02 回覆意見,配合中央疫情指揮中心以「確診個案」為核心之防疫政策,各大專校院應請授課教師依下列原則進行課程安排及班級管理,以維持正常上課並確保學生學習權益:
1.上課班級出現確診或快篩陽性個案,該個案應實施 7 天居家照護,期滿且無症狀即可入班正常上課。
2.與確診者或快篩陽性個案摘下口罩共同活動 15 分鐘以人員,學校提供其 1 劑快篩且快篩結果陰性者,即可入班正常上課。
因開學在即,本校將按教育部意見儘速調整原先公告的上課模式。而在本校開學第一、二周(111 年 9 月 5 日開學至 9 月 18 日),上課班級尚在調整未完成前,學校可請授課教師在與學生討論後,得依專科以上學校遠距教學實施辦法規定,彈性實施實體、混成或遠距教學。
NCKU Courses Conducted in the 2022 Fall Semester
According to the original announcement on August 30, 2022, teaching shall be conducted online from September 5 to 18, 2022. Subject to final approval by the Ministry of Education (MOE), teaching shall be conducted online, and in-person teaching will be optional, from September 19 to October 2, 2022.
The school has received a response from the MOE on September 2, 2022. In line with the Central Epidemic Command Center’s epidemic prevention policy, the universities shall ask their teachers to arrange their curricula and class management according to the following principles:
If there is a confirmed case of Covid-19 or a student who tested positive on a rapid test in a class, that student should be cared for at home for 7 days. After the expiration of this period and if the student is asymptomatic, he/she can then attend class in the normal way.
For students who take off their masks for 15 minutes in the presence of confirmed cases or individuals testing positive on a rapid test, the university will provide one COVID-19 rapid test kit. If the test results are negative, these students can then attend class in the normal way.
Because the beginning of this semester is imminent, we adjust the previous announcement according to the response of MOE. From September 5 to 18, 2022, the in-person, hybrid or online teaching can be implemented flexibly after the instructors discuss it with the students.
If further adjustments to the teaching method need to be considered due to changes in the epidemic situation on the campus, the university will have additional discussions with the response team of MOE.
For the above courses in which foreign students have not yet entered Taiwan or are still under quarantine, hybrid or online teaching shall be implemented.
If further adjustments to the teaching method need to be considered due to changes in the epidemic situation on the campus, the university will have additional discussions with the response team of MOE.
For the above courses in which foreign students have not yet entered Taiwan or are still under quarantine, hybrid or online teaching shall be implemented.